Crystal Coastline

Sand looks beyond stunning in a crystal pendant, so I have an idea I need YOUR help with…and you get a special discount for your hard work.

I have seen just a tiny bit of what my country has to offer, I have looked over the Great Australian Bite, played in the Snow White sand on our West Coast and sunk my feet in Queensland’s Gold and Sunshine Coast.

I would love to have a crystal for every beach that surrounds Australia and line a beautiful map with crystals of coastline!

I will of course off the sender a crystal pendant at a discounted price for helping me. How does 50% off sound?!!! (Free shipping for returning completed pieces with Australia only)

I would need a small ziplock bag of sand only a few tablespoons worth is fine and the coordinates of where it has been collected.

This is for the wire wrapped crystal I have in my shop.

First Australia, then THE WORLD!!!

Global Crystal Coastline 😍

Please contact me for your special discount code is you wish to be a part of this xxx

Much Love


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